Unit6 A Field Trip英语课件PPT模板

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A: Look! What is Chen Jie doing? B: She is watching insects.
A: Excuse me, Zhang Peng! What are you doing?B: I am taking pictures.
A: Chen Jie is busy now. Is she watching insects?B: No, she isn’t. She is catching butterflies.
A: Is she taking pictures?B: No, she isn’t. She is picking up leaves.
A: Sarah is a smart girl. What is she doing?B: She is doing an experiment.
快速拼写以下单词: 1. watch insects 2. do an experiment 3. catch butterflies 4. pick up leaves 5. take pictures watching insects doing an experiment catching butterflies picking up leaves taking pictures
Say out the words! taking pictures doing an experiment catching butterflies picking up leaves watching insects doing an experiment playing chess picking up leaves watching insects catching butterflies playing chess watching insects doing an experiment climbing trees
用单词的正确形式填空. 1 The students ________(be) in the park now. They are _________(take) pictures. 2 Mike and John are _________(watch)TV now. 3 What can a panda ________(do)? Can it ________(swim) and _______(run)? 4 Her father __________(like) watching insects. 5 What_______ (be) she doing? She is _________(do) an experiment.aretakingwatchingdoswimrunlikesisdoing
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- 大小 1.61MB
- 页数 共11页